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Authors: Damien Guillaume, Soufiane Ayadi
List of contributions

Creating a website is done with a number of contributions. A contribution corresponds to a set of pages on a given subject (usually less than 10 pages). A contribution is a folder containing an XML file with the text of the pages, and the files of the images used in the pages.

Certain contributions are only used to link contributions with each other. For instance, it is possible to create a contribution for the whole website to create, and this contribution will only contain links to the other contributions.

Contributions are organized into projects. A project gathers contributions and authors on a given subject. All the authors in a project can edit all the project's contributions.

As a user, you can create a new project, a new contribution, and edit the contributions created by other users if these contributions are in a project of which you are author. The administrator can add authors or contributions to a project.

A project can be exported. This operation starts the download of a ZIP file containing a copy of all the contributions in the project.

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