InstallationCreating contents with WebJaxeAdministrationE-learning platform
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Forum and chat

Author: Damien Guillaume

The forum and chat features are optionnal. The discussion forum suggested with PAELLOS is phpBB (a plugin provides automatic authentication on a phpBB forum with PAELLOS' database).

Forum installation

  • install phpBB3 from, and add auth_paellos.php (requires php5-curl on Linux) in includes/auth (this is needed to use PAELLOS database for authentication on the forum ; the forum administrator must already exist in the database)
  • In the administration, "General" tab, "Authentication" link, choose the "Paellos" method and enter the information required to connect to PAELLOS database : server (use "localhost" if it's on the same machine), user name, password and database name.
  • (to see the users firstnames and lastnames) in the administration, go to the "Users and Groups" tab. Click on the "Custom profile fields" link. Add the fields "firstname" and "lastname" (single text field) (with a title of your choice). The values will be automatically added when users connect to the forum for the first time.
  • Create a group "XXXX Students" and a group "XXXX Tutors" with the training name. The group names are in the file auth_paellos.php, they can be changed if necessary.
  • Create forums with matching rights for the groups. For instance, users rights should be given to the matching forum for the student group, and moderator rights for the tutor and administrator groups.

Chatroom installation

The mChat module for phpBB was tested, but other solutions are possible.

  • install mChat for phpBB : (AutoMOD can help for the installation; the theme should be refreshed after the installation, otherwise the chat is displayed on a blue background and the scrollbar is missing; group permissions should also be added to let users use the chat)
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