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Edition of a contribution

Authors: Damien Guillaume, Soufiane Ayadi
Edition with Jaxe

WebJaxe's editor requires Java 1.6. It opens in a new window. Be careful not to close the initial window in the web browser, because that would make the edition window disappear without letting you save the document.


There is a bug in Firefox and some other web browsers which prevents reading XML files if the option "Allow third-party cookies" is disabled. With these web browsers, this option must be enabled in the preferences. Another solution is to add an "exception" in the cookie settings so that cookies from WebJaxe's server are always authorized.

The editor works with the XML meta-language, and entered texts are thus organized with begin and end tags. Each piece of text is surrounded by tags that give it meaning. New elements can be inserted with the menus, or with the insertion panel on the left of the window. The insertion panel only displays elements that are allowed at the cursor position, in order to prevent the creation of an invalid document (a document that does not respect the rules of the chosen XML language).

The available elements, as well as the tree rules for the elements, are defined by the XML language chosen by the administrator. It is important to learn the chosen language to use the editor in the best way. A specific documentation exists for the XPAGES language, whose WebJaxe configuration is provided with WebJaxe.

There exists a user guide for the Jaxe application, that mostly applies to WebJaxe's editor. However, there are some features that don't exist in WebJaxe. Some other features are disabled because of security restrictions imposed to Java applets by web browsers, such as copy/paste (see below).

Copy / Paste

By default, Java applets are not authorized to read the system clipboard. In general, this means it is not possible to do a copy-paste from another application. There are two methods to work around this problem:

  • do a drag and drop instead of a copy paste (but it requires some dexterity). A drag and drop is authorized because it is recognized as an explicit action from the user.
  • create a file named .java.policy to authorize certain Java applets to read the clipboard. This file must be placed inside the user home directory (for instance /Users/$USER on MacOS X or C:\Documents and Settings\%username% on Windows), and it must contain the following text (as simple text):
    grant codeBase "http://SERVER.NAME/WEBJAXE_FOLDER/-" {
    permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";
    (write https instead of http if https is used to access WebJaxe)
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